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Safe Data | Safe Families Project Awarded the 2016 IMLS Research Grant

Safe Data | Safe Families Project Awarded the 2016 IMLS Research Grant

Grant LG-81-16-0154-16

The University of Maryland, partnering with the Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Library Development & Services (DLDS), the American Library Association’s Center for the Future of Libraries (CFL), and CASA de Maryland, will identify privacy and security challenges librarians and families of low socioeconomic status face using internet and communication technologies. After conducting an evaluation of the challenges facing librarians, families of low socioeconomic status, and information intermediaries within families such as the children and young adults who serve as information brokers, the partners will develop a suite of educational and professional development resources for librarians and families to enhance privacy-related digital skills and to minimize risks to the security of individuals’ personal information. Up to 50 local families and 40 librarians will participate in the study while data, research reports, and resources will be made accessible to the broader field through a project website, webinars, conference presentations, stakeholder talks, and social media.

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